Who is More Approachable - High-Level ENTP or ENFP?
A detailed analysis of the approachability of high-level ENTP and ENFP personality types according to Sixty-four Personality Types theory.
Which is More Approachable: High-Level ENTP or ENFP?
In the realm of personality types, the question of who is more approachable between high-level ENTP and ENFP is an intriguing one. Both types are known for their distinct characteristics.
High-level ENTPs are individuals with dominant NT (the强势 type) leadership qualities. Their secondary extroverted NF (活泼) gives them expressiveness. When under pressure, their stress-coping personality, if it's the perceptive SF (随和), shows affinity. ENTPs develop leadership in childhood and expressiveness in adolescence. Affinity emerges under stress and is shown by considering others' feelings and meeting their psychological needs. However, if ENTPs overly display affinity, their dominant and secondary personalities can be distorted, and the affinity becomes a facade. Their affinity is based on the development of primary and secondary personalities rather than being a priority.
On the other hand, high-level ENFPs have NF (活泼) as their dominant personality, giving them expressiveness. Their secondary extroverted NT (强势) brings leadership. Their development path is opposite to that of ENTPs. They develop expressiveness of NF first and then leadership of NT. In the third stage of personality development, if their stress-coping personality is SF (随和), they also show some affinity between ages 15 and 24. Similar to ENTPs.
The Sixty-four Personality Types (六十四型 mbti) divides people into sixty-four types, emphasizing that the dominant personality corresponds to one's own nature, and the secondary and stress-coping personalities correspond to the natures of the opposite-sex and same-sex parents respectively, ensuring the stability and authenticity of the test. It analyzes types through Jung's three-dimensional cognitive function, highlighting the orderly development of three-stage personalities.
Taking ENTP as an example, in Jung's eight cognitive functions analysis, the top four functions are Ne, Ti, Fe, and Se. The claim that suppressed potential is Se in childhood is incorrect. In Sixty-four Personality Types, the positive side of N is developed first. If not developed properly, it switches to the negative side under T guidance. The development of ENTP's dominant personality NT in childhood mainly focuses on N for information acquisition. Thinking T matures later. The development period of secondary personality NF is between ages 7 and 14, also with N for information acquisition under F guidance. The value of F emerges later after T. In this case, the development of ENTP's third-stage personality SF shows affinity, initially with S for information acquisition under F guidance. When ENTP's primary and secondary personalities reach a high level and switch to the experience of stress-coping personality SF, they show affinity, balancing the self-centeredness of dominant NT and secondary NF through the altruism of SF.
In conclusion, ENTP can be subdivided into four types. The type analyzed here is NTnfsf in Sixty-four Personality Types, with dominant NT强势, secondary nf活泼, and stress-coping sf随和. This six-letter description can accurately judge and analyze the real personalities of different individuals.