

MBTI Pairings - ENFP and ESFJ


An analysis of the compatibility between ENFP and ESFJ in MBTI.

MBTI Best Pairing Companion ENFP's Third Most Exhausting Match: ESFJ

ENFP's Third Least Suitable Companion Type: ESFJ From the perspective of ENFP's desire for integrated self-development and individuation, the conservative and cautious behavior style of ESFJ can, to a certain extent, drive ENFP to be more practical. However, in the face of ENFP's constantly changing ideas and plans, ESFJ easily loses patience and criticizes harshly. Unlike ISTJ, ESFJ is hard to be attracted by ENFP's creativity and tolerate ENFP. In an intimate relationship, the biggest conflict is likely to arise from the differences in their core needs. The essential need of ENFP is 'exploration' - breaking conventions and experiencing freely in their own way. The essential need of ESFJ is 'control' - living up to social expectations in a traditional and mainstream way. Therefore, ESFJ especially desires to become more rational and not be overly consumed by others' opinions. They long for the guidance of rational analytical types represented by INTP. However, the carefree and freely exploring ENFP is most disdainful of analyzing everything for rationality. Instead, being true to one's feelings and following the call of one's heart is the essential need of ENFP. Therefore, they can easily anger ESFJ. At the same time, ENFP, who pursues individualized development, may find it difficult to tolerate ESFJ's emotional control desire of imposing their own ideas on others and desiring to influence others.

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